
XRM Mobile InspectionsWin10应用下载

类型: 电脑软件 平台: 安卓 语言: 简体中文 授权: 免费软件 大小: 21.38 MB - 21.82 MB 更新: 2016-11-08 15:28:10

  This application demonstrates the ability for field inspectors to perform onsite inspections either online or offline. Inspections are retrieved and stored in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011/2013 online or on-premise. Inspection forms are completely dynamic and can be customized using the CRM form designer.

《XRM Mobile Inspections》Win10应用下载

  To login to this application requires a Dynamics CRM instance with the Inspections solution present. For instructions on creating your own demo site and user account see the documentation located here http://www.planetxrm.com/wp-content/uploads/InspectionsDemoandUserGuide.pdf This demo includes 6 scenarios for performing inspections including Fire & Safety, Flight, Elevators, Fire Hydrants, Workplace Safety and Crime Prevention. Contact Planet Technologies for more information on how XRM Mobile Inspections and Microsoft Dynamics CRM can be customized for your organization.


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